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Art and its versatile applications have been the central focus of my life since childhood and are the foundation of my professional work.

Since 1998 I have worked exclusively on large-scale art designed for public spaces, as well as private and commercial environments. Each commission is site-specific and permanently integrated into architecture or the exterior-built environment. Commissions are often developed concurrently with the architectural design which requires extensive collaboration with architects, engineers, designers, fabricators, builders, and installers. Each project begins with comprehensive research into the site: its purpose, history and future, and its community. These unique characteristics develop and shape the concept.

Materials are determined by the site and therefore projects are executed in wide ranging mediums: architectural glass, mosaic, tile, stone, metal, opalescent glass and slumped glass. In addition, projects sometimes involve architectural components such as paved surfaces, gateways, and lighting elements.

The majority of my public commissions are located within the urban landscape. As a long term city dweller on both coasts I have always enjoyed encountering art within the public space because it expresses the complex multi-layered realities of urban living and can help relieve the stress of contemporary life in crowded cities.​

Kontakt und weitere Infos: www.lynngoodpasture.com



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Gold Line Station Artist Spotlight: Lynn Goodpasture - APU/Citrus College

The Gold Line Foothill Extension to Azusa is on schedule to be completed in September 2015, when it will be turned over to Metro. As each of the six new light rail stations starts to take shape, the station artists are hard at work behind the scenes preparing the artwork that will make each station unique. Each artist, selected by their station city based on their experience and concept, is developing artwork that will represent the history and culture of their station's surroundings and community. In this video you will meet the station artist for the future APU/Citrus College station.


Kabinettscheibe zur Ausstellung "Auf der Suche nach dem Licht der Welt"

Die Werke sind einem Projekt zu verdanken, das wir im Jahr 1996 ins Leben gerufen haben. Wir forderten Künstler aus aller Welt auf, sich an einer Ausstellung zum Thema "Auf der Suche nach dem Licht der Welt" zu beteiligen. Die einzige Vorgabe für die Glasbilder war deren Format von 45 x 45 cm. Ansonsten sollten ihrer Kreativität keine Grenzen gesetzt werden. Rund 40 Künstler sagten daraufhin ihre Teilnahme zu. Mittlerweile sind mehr als 300 Künstler/innen beteiligt.

"Ohne Titel",

Die Auflage beträgt 20 Stück, 45 x 45 cm, jede Scheibe ist nummeriert und signiert.

Preis: 950,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.

Floatglas, Digitaldruck

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