"Water Series"- Ronald T.Y. Moon Judiciary Complex, Kapolei, Hawaii, USA

in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Künstler Doug Young

Auftraggeber: Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts
Architekt: Architects Hawaii
Technik: Mit Airbrush-Malerei gestaltetes Sicherheistglas und heiß verformte zu Sicherheitsglas verarbeitete Aussenscheibe imIsolierglasverbund
Fotos: Doug Young

"All commissioned work is a collaboration: the artist has a general vision, the glass art fabricator offers the ways and means to interpret it. We went through many techniques and samples throughout the year and the Peters Studio, the staff and the studio family were always open, patient and enthusiastic on trying directions and combinations of technique never tried before. In the end, the final product exceeded both our visions."

Doug Young, Artist

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